About Me

I work as a member of the technical staff at Cohere. Previously, I worked as a postdoc for Prof. Emma Brunskill at Stanford University. I received my PhD at the University of Massachusetts, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Philip Thomas.

My interests are at the intersection of foundation models, decision-making/RL, and formal reasoning.



Reviewer: JMLR (2021-24), MLJ (2022-23), AIJ (2023)


Area Chair: NeurIPS (2024)

Reviewer: ICML (2019-23), NeurIPS (2019-23), ICLR (2022-24), TMLR (2022-23), CoLLAs (2022-23)


2024 cohere

Member of the Technical Staff at Cohere.

2022 stanford

Postdoc at Stanford University.
Advised by Prof. Emma Brunskill.

2022 umass

Completed my PhD in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Advised by Prof. Philip Thomas.

2022 DM

Intern at Google DeepMind, London.
Advised by Diana Borsa, Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar, Will Dabney, and Prof. Remi Munos.

2020 umass

Completed my Master's in Computer Science (with Distinction) from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Advised by Prof. Philip Thomas.

2019 adobe

Intern at Adobe Research, San Jose.
Advised by Georgios Theocharous and Prof. Sridhar Mahadevan.

2018 adobe

Intern at Adobe Research, San Jose.
Advised by Georgios Theocharous.

2017 vit

Completed my Bachelor's in Computer Science from the Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai.
Advised by Prof. Nithya Darisini.

2017 iitm

Intern at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.
Advised by Prof. Balaraman Ravindran.

2016 utt

Intern at the University of Technology Troyes, France.
Advised by Prof. Babiga Birregah.

2016 drdo

Intern at the Defence Research & Development Organisation (IRDE, DRDO).
Advised by J.P. Singh.

2015 are

Part of The Aspiring Researcher Challenge, an initiative by professors from University of California and Stanford.
Advised by Prof. James Davis and Rajan Vaish.

2013 bfi

Played at the National level for the Basketball Federation of India.